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    Coffee Infused Vodka is a recipe everyone should make. It's simple, easy and makes incredible tasting drinks! Infusing Vodka is so easy!

    Coffee Vodka ~ you know this is the ultimate combination for me!  It's my 2 favorite drinks wrapped up into 1! EEKKK!
    Part 2 ~ Coffee Vodka is incredibly easy to make!  Infusing vodka is so much simpler than it sounds.  I know that you can buy just about every single flavor under the sun, however, when you make your own?  The taste is just so much better.  I love coffee, however I hate artificial coffee taste (hey I'm talking to you instant coffee!).
    Part 3 ~ Coffee Vodka is definitely something everyone who drinks coffee and vodka can make.without having to buy 12 ingredients.  I know I have a pretty fully stocked bar (I can't help it - it's what I do) but not everyone has all my ingredients.  This is a 2 ingredient deal.  You can make a variety of drinks (hey coffee vodka and some cream anyone or an amazing white russian?) with this and it's simple simple simple.

    If you want to experiment with some other booze infusions try:

    Coffee Vodka


    • 1 C vodka
    • 1/4 C ground coffee


    • Combine Vodka and Coffee in a container with lid
    • Place lid on and let sit for 8-12 hours
    • Strain Coffee through filter
    • Store in air tight container

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    writer and blogger, founder of Kitchen Paradise .

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