Easy French Bread From Scratch

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    I promise.  This is easy.  You don't need a bread maker.  You don't need a fancy mixer.  You need yourself, a bowl and a nice wooden spoon.  That's it.  The only reason that this takes "time" is because of the rising.  You can do this.  It's an easy first yeast bread to make I PROMISE!
    And on top of being easy it really is delicious!  So give it a try!

    Easy French Bread from Scratch


    • 2 1/2 to 3 Cups Flour
    • 1 package dry active yeast (equivalent of 2 1/4 teaspoons)
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 1 Cup Warm Water
    • 1 Tbsp cornmeal
    • 1 Egg White
    • 1 Tbsp water


    • Combine 1 cup flour, yeast and salt.
    • Stir in 1 Cup warm water and beat until well blended (I use a wooden spoon).
    • Stir in remaining flour until dough is soft and elastic.
    • Knead for 8-10 minutes.
    • Place in a greased bowl and turn over .
    • Cover and let rise until doubled (I heat my oven to 100 degrees and turn off and then put the dough in there to rise. Takes around 2 hours).
    • Punch dough down.
    • Place on a lightly floured surface and let rest 10 minutes.
    • Roll into a rectangle and then roll up into a loaf pinching the seams and ends together.
    • Grease a baking sheet and sprinkle with the Tbsp of cornmeal.
    • Place loaf seam side down on sheet.
    • Lightly beat the egg white with the Tbsp of water and brush loaf with mixture.
    • Cover with a warm, damp towel and let rise until doubled (around 45 minutes).
    • Make 3-4 1/4 inch deep cuts on top of loaf.
    • Bake for 20 minutes at 375, remove loaf from oven and brush again with egg mixture.
    • Bake for another 15 minutes while loaf is covered with tinfoil.

    It really is that easy!  Now you have delicious french bread.  Eat it with butter, jelly, cut it in half and spread some garlic and butter on it and broil it for garlic bread.  The possibilities are endless.

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    writer and blogger, founder of Kitchen Paradise .

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