Girls Trip Guide To Pittsburgh

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    101sharesDoing a girls trip? My Girls Trip Guide to Pittsburgh is a great read for a week-end of easy fun in Pittsburgh, PA! #LovePGH Thanks to for the tickets to attractions! I was not paid in any part for this post!

    YES I got to go on a Girls Trip! Oh my goodness was it a good time! I've never actually done a girls week-end away before so you can imagine my excitement. My sister, mom, sister-in-law (Oh I'm dropping the in law from this point because she's our sister) and I met up in Pittsburgh and it was SUCH a good time I knew I had to share my adventures with you guys.

    My ladies and I decided to meet in Pittsburgh for a couple of reasons - it's half way between our houses so it was a great location for us. And part 2 my sister had been there and said it was fun - so we were in. Let me tell you it was an AWESOME choice. Pittsburgh is fantastic. It's a real city without being so big like the major cities (NYC Philly or Chicago). PLUS that means it comes with a better cost - and you know we are always watching our dollars.

    A great resource that I used while planning was Visit Pittsburgh - CLICK HERE TO SEE THEIR SITE! I had only been on the outskirts of Pittsburgh so it was a great help. The cool thing of Pittsburgh is it's very much divided by neighborhood - what makes that cool? Every neighborhood is a mini city with it's own feel. We stayed in ShadySide (more below), we went to dinner our first night and out for drinks in South Side, took the incline up one morning to Mt. Washington, and hit an Art Festival Downtown. Each place we went had a completely different feel to it which really added to the fun of the week-end! Get more info about all the different neighborhoods HERE.

    View going down the Incline
    So some fun tips?

    • Do a bit of homework into the neighborhoods. We LOVED where we stayed - it was a quieter setting which was lovely - but we were so close (a quick Uber Ride) to all of the bars/restaurants that we wanted to venture to.  Find out what neighborhoods you want to visit. Which atmosphere you'd like to hang out in!If you want to check out where we stayed - we stayed at the Residence Inn

    Veranda at our Hotel

    • Pick out a few Restaurants that you HAVE to eat at. I LOVED LOVED LOVED a restaurant in Mt. Washington (up the incline). If you're interested it's The Shiloh Grill - I mean there menu alone was worth going for. They had things like "Brittany Spears" which was chicken on a stick. It was hysterical and REALLY good food and drinks. Check them out here! Another fun place if you've never been is Primanti Bros. They are all over Pittsburgh - great sandwich shop!

    View from Veranda @ Hotel
    Ok so I'm going to brag on my hotel a bit here too. Have you ever stayed at a Residence Inn? They are our hotel of choice (I have 3 kids I actually fit into their rooms!). So we chose this because we could get into 1 hotel room. AND the 2 bedroom suite we had (not as expensive as you think) had a living room, table, kitchen with a fridge/freezer. It was SO nice. I highly recommend!

    I can't say enough great things about Pittsburgh ladies - everyone should have a Girls Trip like I did! Let me know if you go! I want to hear your opinions too!!! Thinking about going? Leave me a question! I'll do my best to answer!

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    writer and blogger, founder of Kitchen Paradise .

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